Our specialty trained providers are committed to providing you with thorough information and education about your orthopaedic and muscloskeletal injury, treatment, and surgical process.
Our providers work in partnership with OSF Rehabilitation Services to provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan designed to meet your specific needs and return you to your normal lifestyle as quickly and safely as possible. OSF Rehabilitation Services offers physical and occupational services on-site at both Peoria OSF Orthopaedics locations as well as several locations throughout Central Illinois.
Let’s get you, back to you.
Services & Common Conditions Treated
Scheduling Appointments
Please take the time to review this information thoroughly to ensure the most effective appointment possible. The scheduling department is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Specific phone numbers for various service areas are listed below.
If you are a new patient or are an existing patient with a new injury, please arrive 15 minutes early for registration.
ALL patients need to bring a picture ID, insurance card(s) and payment for any co-pay that may be due at your visit. We will scan this information into your file. Please bring a list of your medications, supplements, and dosages.
Although every effort is made to maintain an efficient appointment schedule, emergencies do arise. We make every attempt to keep your appointment at your given time. We understand your time is valuable, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.
To Schedule An Appointment
Call: 309.676.5546 (select prompt #4)
Hours: Weekdays 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except holidays)
If you are a new patient or an existing patient with a new injury, our scheduling staff will match you and your specific need with one of our specialized providers.
We are always happy to answer any question you may have. We have provided answers to many of the most commonly-asked questions here. They are grouped by categories for your convenience.